The Cat Refuge
The construction of the cat refuge/shelter has begun! I don't have much money to hired a skill worker right now so I figured I could get some of the less skilled work done myself to save money. My fiance offered to help me take down a few trees to make room for the furture cat yard fence. Only 3 trees will be coming down and the first one we took ended up being diseased and infested with ants. It would have eventually come down during a storm at some point and landed on the future shelter. Unfortuantly in the process of taking down this ash tree it did come down on the shelter! No real damage was done but here are a few pics illustrating the process.
Followed by,
I personally went through each branch and saved any potential fire wood and kindling. The cat refuge will be heated by a wood stove so nothing will go to waste. Plus, parts of the tree that can't be used were put together to form a brush pile for small critters to make a home out of. One more large tree to come down and one small, then I can start digging holes for fence posts!
Here are a couple of photos of the inside of the furture shleter. Currently there is a lot of stuff in there that needs to come out, but once that is clean there will be a loft area for the cats, scratching posts, cubby holes, windows with sills to lay in, etc all for the cats enjoyment and comfort.
Above is covered outdoor space. and below is an iside shot of the building that will be heated for the cats in the winter and where they will be fed.